weight loss

My Weight Loss Before & After Photos… Are They Real?

In this video excerpt, Jon Gabriel talks about a powerful mind-body visualization he’s created for his Support Group members, safe strong and protected. You’ll also learn how to use your mind and visualization to work through the past emotional trauma that may be getting in the way of your weight loss success.

How To Use Visualization To Create Your Ideal Body & Lose That Excess Weight

I have a quick question for you, and curious to see if you know the answer…

What do Albert Einstein, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carey all have in common?

The Answer?

They all use visualization to help them be super successful in their lives and careers. Visualization is a creative tool we can all tap into to maximize the power of our minds and nowhere is visualization more powerful than in fitness.

How To Use Visualization To Create Your Ideal Body & Lose That Excess Weight

I have a quick question for you, and curious to see if you know the answer…
What do Albert Einstein, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carey all have in common?
The Answer?
They all use visualization to help them be super successful in their lives and careers. Visualization is a creative tool we can all tap into to maximize the power of our minds and nowhere is visualization more powerful than in fitness.

Is Fat Good or Bad for Weight Loss?

“Tell me what your life will look like when you’ve lost 40lbs. That’s what you want, so go do it now!” – Sarah Jenks, founder of Live More, Weigh Less.
I recently interviewed Sarah Jenks, founder and weight loss coach of Live More, Weigh Less,…

Is Coffee Good or Bad for Weight Loss?

Coffee is making resurgence in the health world these days. Many health gurus say coffee helps with intermittent fasting, is high in antioxidants and can activate certain anti-inflammatory genes – all great for weight loss….but is it really that good to be true…