Each month in my private Gabriel Method Support Group membership, I host Live “Q and A” sessions where members can call in and speak to me directly.
During these calls members are welcomed to ask me all sorts of questions relating to their weight loss journeys. Often times I get callers who call-in to talk about what tools they can use to overcome emotional traumas, limiting beliefs, stress.
Our bodies use fat to protect us against perceived danger. Financial worries, career stress, and marital problems are a just a few common triggers that can confuse our bodies into feeling “unsafe.” When our body feels unsafe, our body can sometimes use weight as a form of protection.
As a result, I’m always learning, refining and perfecting tools that can help my clients reduce stress and fear and work through emotional trauma.In this segment I help Linda work through a past emotional trauma using a really powerful visualization technique I created called “Recreating The Past”.
This specific technique is one that you can use as well at home. It’s extremely powerful and effective. If you suffer from emotional trauma, practicing this visualization technique will make losing weight so much easier and sustainable.
Also to help you go deeper I’m also sharing on this page one of my most popular visualization in my Support Group member’s area called “Safe Strong and Protected”. Just listen to this visualization first thing in the morning or anytime you like and while listening, incorporate some of the principles I explain to Linda in the video above.
If you enjoyed watching this video and would like to speak with me directly, I’m hosting a live call in day next month in my support group. If you call in, we can work through your specific traumatic experiences together.
Also, right now we’re offering a FREE 30-DAY TRIAL for our support group.
During this FREE 30-day trial not only will you be able to speak with me on my Ask Jon show, but you’ll also be able to get group coaching from our highly trained Gabriel Method certified coaches, as well as access to 50 of my best visualizations and many other amazing resources. Find out all about it here….
Enjoy the Safe, Strong and Protected visualization!
[jwplayer player=”30″ file=”http://jon-g-support-group-2.0.s3.amazonaws.com/visualizations/Safe-Strong-Protected.mp3″ image=””]
Share Your Ideas & Thoughts
I’d love to hear how you felt after listening to this visualization… Please join the conversation by commenting below.