I just had a great interview with author and psychotherapist Nicole J. Sachs on her amazing practice and healing from chronic pain.
Over the last few years Nicole has been practicing and working with clients to help them heal their pain and change their lives. Through her own personal journey and her direct contact with rehabilitation professor, Dr. John Sarno, Nicole has developed her own method for living a life free from pain.
During my interview with Nicole we talked about her amazing approach and different ways you can start to live pain free.
Watch this interview to discover:
- How an emotional exercise can help cure physical pain.
- How to listen to your body and be mindful of what your pain is telling you.
- Strategies for practicing acts self-kindnessthat lead to healing.
If you enjoyed this interview and would like to learn more about Nicole and her work, I highly recommend you check out her Freedom from Chronic Pain course here.

Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a psychotherapist and nationwide expert in the treatment of chronic pain. She began her education through the harrowing experience of her own chronic and acute back pain, and her direct connection with Dr. John Sarno. Through her personal journey and its application to her clinical psychotherapy practice, Nicole has shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering from chronic pain and conditions how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. She lives and practices in the beautiful beach towns of Coastal Delaware.