Weight Loss & Emotional Traumas

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Listen to Jon Gabriel Teach About:

  • How emotional traumas cause weight gain
  • Why opening up emotionally can help you lose weight
  • How visualization can help you rewrite your traumatic past


Read The Lecture Transcripts Here


Before I talk about that, I just want to tell you something that happened last week, Kelly.




I\'ve been travelling all around. I\'ve done about 10 seminars in Australia in the last two months, and the seminars have been absolutely fabulous and they\'ve just been incredibly well received, and people are getting something out of it, they\'re coming up to me, they\'re telling me that they\'re really enjoying it.

But we had something happen two weeks ago when I was in Melbourne. We had a little bit of a mess-up, and something really good came of it, but going into it, it was a little bit of a mess-up. But what happened was, we had over 300 people that were registered for the seminar, and somehow, I don\'t know how this happened, but there was a big miscommunication as far as the size of the venue. We thought it was going to hold 325 people and it only held 225 people. It was a big fiasco, because people paid, they were waiting, and obviously I felt horrible and it was tough to walk into a situation like that.

We ended up having a great seminar, but what I did was, for the people that weren\'t able to come, obviously I refunded their money and I gave them a Total Transformation Pack which is 11 CDs, and I came back the weekend after to Melbourne and did two more seminars on Saturday and Sunday for all the people that didn\'t get to attend.

And it looked like a really bad situation going into it, but what came of it was there was some amazing things. Because they were smaller seminars, one was for about 40 people or 50 people and one was for about 10 — Saturday we did about 40 or 50 and Sunday we did about 10. Because they were smaller, more intimate crowd, I tried something different. What I did was, halfway through the seminar when we started talking about emotional obesity and the emotional traumas and stresses that can trigger our body to want to hold onto wait, I brought two chairs up and I said, \”If anybody wants to talk about their situation, let\'s talk about it because it will benefit everyone,\” just like when we\'re talking, when somebody calls in and they\'re talking about their situation and we\'re going through it, there\'s thousands of other people that are going to get something out of it because they had something similar happen to them or they can relate to it in some way.

So I brought two chairs up, and people started coming up one at a time. What came of it, was just a whole new type of dealing with emotional issues and traumas, that\'s very quick and very effective using visualization. And what it does, is it basically re-writes the traumatic experiences of our life. And on a cellular level, it changes the cellular memory of the trauma.

Because if you had something happen to you when you were 10 years old, you can talk about it forever, but your cells have a memory. And that whole study with Bruce Lipton about biology –


Yeah, he\'s become a great friend of the show, of the other show I do, and the second half of his seminar he had a wonderful man who I want to have on your show, who re-writes the two hemispheres of the brain. Did you do that muscle testing? Is that what you did?


No, no, no, let me tell you what I did. But let me just describe the concept. The concept is, through this whole study of epigenetics, that our cells have consciousness. And it\'s a whole new — it crosses the boundaries of physics and metaphysics and biology, and it\'s really demonstrating that our cells have a consciousness and a memory, and our cells are trying to adapt and protect us from our environment.

So when you had a trauma as a kid and you\'re 10 years old, your cells keep a cellular memory of that trauma, and your body, it will activate certain genes that will activate FAT programs if your cells feel like fat is the way to protect you from the trauma.

Now, when you\'re an adult you can talk about that trauma all you want, but it\'s not going to erase the cellular memory. So you\'ve got to back into a state where you can kind of re-write what happened on a cellular level.

So what I did, and I didn\'t even know this was going to happen, it was all just kind of freestyle, what I did was I had two chairs, somebody would come up and they\'d tell me their experiences. One lady, when she was 10 years old she had some bullies come up and throw stones at her because she was so fat. And that was just obviously a traumatic experience. So ever since then she\'s never felt safe. And she\'s uncomfortable, like even when she loses weight, she\'s uncomfortable because she gets attention and that makes her feel unsafe. She just doesn\'t feel safe being thin.

So what I did, was I went back to that memory and I sat her down and said, \”Okay, I want you to go back now. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, you\'re 10 years old and these bullies are there and he\'s got a stone and he\'s about to throw it.\” And then I just pause and I said, \”Now just sit with that for a minute. That\'s where you are right now. Just be there.\” And she\'s there, and all of a sudden the tears are rolling out, just instantly she\'s there and she\'s crying. And I say, \”And then all of a sudden, he throws a stone and it\'s headed right for your face, and then out of nowhere a hand at the last minute from behind you catches the stone. And you look up and there\'s this tall, beautiful, powerful benefic giant behind you beaming light. And this giant looks at the boys and says, \'If you ever touch this girl again I\'ll crush you. Now get out of here before I crush you right now.\' And the bullies run away.\” And her whole energy is changing.

And we went through other traumatic experiences in her life where this giant, benefic giant was with her protecting her and re-writing them. And then the giant said, \”I\'m your guardian angel and I\'m always here and I\'ll always protect you and I\'m a part of you and you\'re always safe.\” And her whole energy changed. It didn\'t take more than four or five minutes, and when she opened her eyes she said, \”It\'s the first time in her life she\'s ever felt safe.\”

And we did this with other people also. There was another lady who her mother was always very, very critical of her. And you know what that\'s like, when you have a parent — you\'re just not good enough. So I say, \”Okay, go back to that place when you\'re 10 years old and your mother\'s screaming at you and just be there for a second. And then all of a sudden your mother looks at you and says, \'Wait a second, what am I doing? You\'re perfect exactly the way you are, and I can\'t believe I did this and I\'m so sorry to talk to you this way.\'\” And all of a sudden, she\'s changed. And then I said to her, \”So what do you say to your mother now?\” And then she says, \”I\'m so happy that you love me.\” And all of a sudden I\'m talking like her mother\'s just coming through me and saying, \”I\'ll always love you.\”

But all it\'s doing is it\'s just re-writing the trauma and it\'s changing it. And this whole traumatic thing that she\'s been carrying around with her that\'s been affecting her and causing trauma that\'s causing her body to want to hold onto weight is just instantly removed.

So just using visualization, and it\'s good to do it with a partner who\'s guiding you through it who you can talk to, because I\'d have these dialogues with people where I\'m the mother or I\'m the father or I\'m the brother or whoever I am, and we just change the script and you\'re able to really re-write what\'s going on. And I think your body, as I\'ve always said, your body doesn\'t understand the difference between a real and imagined experience. And I think that when you have a visualization, your body actually thinks it\'s real. So you\'re reacting to it on an emotional level as if it\'s real, and the consciousness of the cells is being charged as if it\'s really happening.

So it\'s a really effective way and I\'m going to start doing it more and more. I\'m going to do it in the seminar tomorrow. The seminar tomorrow is very big. It\'s 250, 300 people, but I\'m still going to do it at a chair up there and see what comes of it because it\'s just a really powerful form of therapy.


That sounds very powerful, my goodness. By the way, Bruce is going to come on your show. We just have to find an appropriate date since he\'s just all over the map.


That\'s beautiful.


He\'s in your part of the world. He\'s in Australia.


He\'s in Australia.


Yeah, he\'s in Auckland I should say.


For the people that are listening, we\'re talking about Bruce Lipton, who\'s the author of The Biology of Beliefs, who is a –


And the new one, Spontaneous Evolution.


Yeah, what\'s the new one? Spontaneous Evolution.




He\'s a biochemist from Stanford University, who really discovered that our genetics are activated by a kind of cellular consciousness. And there\'s no –


Yeah, like your cells have a brain of their own.


Exactly, and there\'s no — our DNA is not written in stone. Different genes will get activated based on what our cells think is the best way to adapt to our environment.


Well said. That\'s exactly it. We did a longer version of the show. I gave it 90 minutes because I knew you can\'t give Bruce an hour. He\'s a lecturer, so he went right into lecture mode and all you could do is listen. He\'s amazing.


Well we\'ll get him on the show because –


The two of you are perfect.


My whole premise is that your body is trying to adapt to the environment, and sometimes it does that by putting on weight and you\'ve got to address that on a cellular level. Otherwise, you\'re just fighting your body and your body is just going to keep fighting back, and your body can win because your body is fighting 24/7.



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